Injured Factory Worker, Discover Tumour, Faces Paralysis - Required RM27,000 Medical Aid, Seeking Support from Compassionate Hearts

Injured Factory Worker, Discover Tumour, Faces Paralysis – Required RM27,000 Medical Aid, Seeking Support from Compassionate Hearts

Tan Gim Wai, a 33-year-old man who is a factory worker, in 2021 when a tragic accident involving a large mixer hitting his body which injured his back. Initially it was nothing serious, little did he know that a month later, he experienced numbness in his legs, rendering him immobile.

After being examine through MRI, it was revealed that Gim Wai was suffering from a rare condition known as Spinal Intramedullary Cavernous Angioma, a type of tumour within the spinal cord, causing nerve damage.

Given the tumour location and its size was only 11mm, surgical intervention posed significant risks. The surgery was being postponed which allow the tumour to grow, hence the surgical risks can be decreased. Throughout the waiting period, the pain kept recurring, forcing him to leave his factory job.

However, as the family’s sole breadwinner, with unwavering determination, Gim Wai found a new job.

Tan Gim Wai, a 33-year-old man who is a factory worker, in 2021 when a tragic accident involving a large mixer hitting his body which injured his back. Initially it was nothing serious, little did he know that a month later, he experienced numbness in his legs, rendering him immobile.

After being examine through MRI, it was revealed that Gim Wai was suffering from a rare condition known as Spinal Intramedullary Cavernous Angioma, a type of tumour within the spinal cord, causing nerve damage.

Given the tumour location and its size was only 11mm, surgical intervention posed significant risks. The surgery was being postponed which allow the tumour to grow, hence the surgical risks can be decreased. Throughout the waiting period, the pain kept recurring, forcing him to leave his factory job.

However, as the family’s sole breadwinner, with unwavering determination, Gim Wai found a new job.

Housewife Turns to Work to Support Ailing Husband

Unfortunately, Gim Wai encounter post-surgery complications, leading to swelling spine and serious deterioration of nerve function. Gim Wai faces paralysis, the body part below his chest has completely loss its sensation, leaving him immobile, laying on his sickbed and rely on an urinary catheter for excretion.

Gim Wai was once the pillar of his family, blessed with three children. Prior to the accident, he had a stable income, his wife Lee Qiao Yin is a full-time housewife, taking care of their children.

However, things have now changed drastically, his wife have started working while balancing the responsibility of taking care of her ailing husband.

She struggled to look after three children and left no choice but to ask help from the kid’s grandmother to take care their eldest child.

However, their grandmother is too old to care for all three children, with a broken heart, they had sent their youngest son and daughter to an orphanage, promising to bring them home as soon the father’s health improves.

Depleted Savings, Fundraise for Lifesaving Treatment”

Gim Wai needs to go through weekly physical therapy for at least a year to regain his ability to walk and live a normal life.

However, the previous surgery has drained the family savings, he is incapable to work now, her wife income barely covers their basic necessities, leaving them helpless with the huge medical expenses.

Throughout our home visitation and being entrusted by Gim Wai’s family, we are organising a fundraising campaign to help out Tan Gim Wai’s medical expenses.

We sincerely implore the kindness and compassion of all generous hearts in society to extend a helping hand to Tan Gim Wai.

Your contribution can make a significant difference in his life, enabling him to receive timely treatment, stand on his feet again, and reunite with his precious children, shouldering the responsibility of being the family’s anchor once more.

Let us come together to make a difference in the lives of those in need, as acts of mercy and compassion can truly transform lives.

Your action of sharing will help SoServ Welfare Malaysia continue to operate and enable us to have more funds as well as resources to take in more unfortunate disabled people.