Kid Number 001|Chiow Jason

Kid Number 001|Chiow Jason

Kid Number 001
Name Chiow Jason
Date of Birth 1/7/2008
Age 13
Gender Male
Race Chinese
State Negeri Sembilan
Family Background Single parent family, the mother of age 37 who is a hawker.
Disease Pediatric Cerebral Palsy

Jason is a 13 years old boy who has Pediatric Cerebral Palsy due to cerebral anoxia when he was born. He currently suffers from intellectual disability and mobility impartment, his muscles have atrophied and become long-term paralysis.

A fair skin boy with an adorable look, unfortunately, he could not take care of his daily activities such as going to the toilet or having meals. 24hour nursing care is required for Jason as he will have muscle cramps a few times a month, eye-rolling backward, and breathing difficulty at the same time.

Jason comes from a single-parent family and his mother (37 years old) is a hawker from Seremban. Due to long-term family disputes and violence, Jason’s mother has divorced with her husband. She is an independent woman who is taking care of 3 children by herself.

The single mother has to work and take care of the other 2 young children. She could not provide 24-hour care to Jason, neither she can afford a maid or nanny, hence she requested us to bring him into the welfare centre.

Jason loves listening to music, he needs the caregiver to be around.

Jason could not consume solid food, he gets hungry easily and have to drink milk every two and half hours. By consuming milk only, his body size is relatively small compared to other kids. At 13 years old age, Jason body size looks like a 7 years old boy, which is heart-breaking.

Although he can’t speak, he loves listening to music. When the children watch TV or listen to nursery rhymes and music on YouTube, Jason will smile and start twisting his head, like he is dancing.

Jason likes one of our senior caregivers, Suppamah. Whenever Suppamah finishes her daily work, she will sit next to Jason and hums him a song or plays with him. Jason will smile when Suppamah is with him, when she is not around, Jason will pout and occasionally cry. With our great care, he is living happily now.

Looking for Jason’s Sponsor

Jason is unable to take care of himself, he needs to change diapers 4 times a day. To have a healthier Jason, we feed him with Pediasure milk and let him take vitamins and supplements. As Jason needs to drink milk every two and a half hours, we need to arrange for two caregivers to take care of him day and night.

Jason’s monthly expenses for milk powder, supplements, and diapers:

RM780 – Pediasure Milk Powder

RM165 – Supplements

RM192 – Diapers

RM1,137(Not included other expenses such as daily necessities, utilities, rent, medical expenses, wages of caregiver and miscellaneous. )

SoServ Welfare Malaysia is a non-profit charitable organization with no fixed source of donations. Our monthly expenses are about RM25,038, we are relying on public donations for us to continue taking care of these unfortunate disabled children.

Hereby, we hope that any kind-hearted person can become Jason’s sponsor, a monthly donation with any amount will allow us to have sufficient funds to take care of every sweet one.

Your action of sharing will help SoServ Welfare Malaysia continue to operate and enable us to have more funds as well as resources to take in more unfortunate disabled people.