Kid Number 010 - Ngoi Yim Check

Kid Number 010 – Ngoi Yim Check

Kid Number 010
Name Ngoi Yim Check
Date of Birth 6/4/1980
Age 42
Gender Female
Race Chinese
State Perak
Family Background Mother passed away in 2017, father passed away in January 2022, and younger brother is unable to take care of her all the time as he needs to work.
Disease Intellectual Disability

Yin Check is a 42 years old lady who originated from Perak and become an intellectual disability when she was 2 years old due to a high fever. Since then, she become delirious and always talks to herself. She was also diagnosed with epilepsy after the fewer and required to take medication to control her condition.

Initially, Yin Check lived with her parents but her mother passed away in 2017 and her father needs to take care of her alone. Unfortunately, her father also passed away in January 2022 and there is only one younger brother left in the family. The brother has been taking care of Yin Check with the parents since he was a child. As he needs to stay at home after work to take care of his sister, he is still single now.

The brother is forced to send his sister to the disabled center

As disabled people are not entitled to buy any insurance and when his parents are still alive, he needs to bear all the living and medical expenses of all family members. Hence, he got no savings at all. After his parents passed away, he takes up the responsibility to take care of Yin Check. However, he can’t take care of Yin Check 24/7 as he is facing financial difficulty due to lack of income and he needs to seek assistance from the public. To survive, her brother is forced to send his sister to SoServ Welfare Malaysia and entrusted us to take care of her.

After Yin Check moved in, our caregivers are taking good care of her. We will feed her 4 meals daily, shower Yin Check every day, and dress her clean. She is in a better mood now under our care.

When Yin Check’s family comes to our center to visit her, they are happy and felt relieved after they saw her condition has improved, overall is cleaner, and her mental state is better now under our good care.

Looking for Yin Check’s Sponsor

Yin Check is unable to take care of herself and she needs to change her diaper 4 times daily. To have a healthier Yin Check, we will feed her vitamins and supplements.

Yin Check’s monthly expenses for meals, supplements, diapers, and daily necessities:

RM360 – Meal Expenses

RM199 – Vitamins & Supplements

RM192 – Diapers

RM73 – Daily Necessities

RM824 (Not included other expenses such as medical expenses, utilities, rent, wages of caregiver, and miscellaneous.)

SoServ Welfare Malaysia is a non-profit charitable organization with no fixed source of donations. Our monthly expenses are about RM25,038 we are relying on public donations for us to continue taking care of these unfortunate disabled children.

Hereby, we hope that kind-hearted you can become Yin Check’s sponsor, a monthly donation with any amount will allow us to have sufficient funds to take care of every sweet one.

Your action of sharing will help SoServ Welfare Malaysia continue to operate and enable us to have more funds as well as resources to take in more unfortunate disabled people.